Frequently Asked questions

what is your staff to child ratio?
Infant-2yrs (1:4)
3-4yrs (1:12)
4-5yrs (1:14)
5-7yrs (1:15)
7-12yrs (1:20) Before/After (1:25)
What are the discipline procedures at the center?
Most problems will be taken care of by staff through time outs (no longer then 10 minutes) to allow for "cool downs". We will take notes and report to parents with serious issues. Any repetitive issues will be handled case by case.
Does the child center staff administer medication?
Staff will never give children medicine, but in certain situations, the director or assistant director will give prescripitons meds as needed.
Can my child bring toys/entertainment from home?
Yes, but we do not assume any responsibility for damages that may occur. We would also prefer they be reasonable in size and age appropriate. In the end, staff will have final say due to the many toys/entertainment devices available that may not go well in a daycare environment. (items that can not be easily cleaned or sanitized, such as stuffed animals/dolls, will not be allowed)